Acupuncture Sessions

How to prepare for your session

  • Whether it is your first visit or a subsequent visit, before coming in for acupuncture, make sure you are well hydrated.

  • If you haven’t eaten anything yet, have something light to eat especially if you’re prone to getting lightheaded from hunger. 

  • It’s also easier to wear something comfortable for the session, as there may be some points on your body that I would need to access (i.e. back, stomach, lower legs). If needed, I also have gowns that you may use.

  • Lastly, make sure your online intake form (if it is your first visit) is also filled out so I can understand your complaints.

What to expect during your session

The initial visit is about 60-75 minutes long which includes an in-depth intake of your history, a physical exam and treatment. Each subsequent visit is about 20-30 minutes which includes a quick intake if there are any changes from last visit, then we'll proceed to treatment.

During the history intake, you will be asked several questions to help me determine any disharmonies or imbalances occurring within your body. Afterwards, a physical exam will be done to rule out any red flags that may warrant me to refer out to a specialist. Additionally, it is important in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that we observe the quality of your tongue and pulse to further determine a TCM diagnosis. 

During the acupuncture session, the points on your body will be cleaned with an alcohol pad before the needles are inserted. The insertion itself would feel like a slight pinch. Throughout the session, it is normal to feel a sensation around the needled point, which in TCM is called ‘da qi’. If there are any points that do not feel comfortable after all the needles are inserted, please let me know so I modify the treatment.

If you don’t have any contraindications, you are given the choice to receive electrical stimulation on specific points during the session or cupping/guasha after the needles are removed.

What to do after your session

  • Continue to stay hydrated.

  • There are no limitations after your session, so it’s okay to go on about your day, whether it’s running errands or going home relax.

  • Look forward to your next session!